SP20 – Automated Smoke Point


The SP 20 is an automated smoke point instrument.
It strictly follows the test method while eliminating the subjectivity inherent to the manual test and significantly improving repeatability and reproducibility.
In addition, the SP 20 eliminates all safety risks linked to the visual observation of an open flame.
This unique automated instrument uses a patented system (License TOTAL RM) based on a video camera that observes the flame instead of human eye.
The flame image is digitalized and the dedicated software determines the height of the flame when its shape corresponds to the one described in the test method.
This specific flame is the one with the maximum height without smoke generation.
Strictly following the standard test method, the instrument performs three determinations of the flame heights and report the average value.
The result is saved in a built-in data base. It can be printed, transferred on a USB memory stick and/or send to a LIMS when the SP 20 is connected to a LAN.
Every test is fully documented and traceable which is important for aviation industry quality procedures.



AD Systems

AD Systems specializes in the design, manufacturing, selling and servicing of unique test equipment for the evaluation of physical properties and performances of fuels and lubricants. All of the products offered by AD Systems were developed in response to specific needs within the petroleum industry. AD Systems has in the past and is currently working with governmental agencies and research departments of petroleum companies to develop prototypes and subsequently to manufacture various instruments and systems. AD Systems is an active member of the American Society for Test and Materials (ASTM®) as well as with Energy Institute, GFC and BNPé.


SP20 – Automated Smoke Point


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