Microtox FX



Microtox FX is a portable instrument for onsite monitoring of acute toxicity or contamination of potable or surface water:

  • Toxicity detected using bioluminescence
  • ATP detection
  • Result available in 20 minutes from sample intake
  • Sensitive to more than 2,700 different simple and complex chemicals
  • Cost effective
  • Microbial detection level in drinking water 100 cfu/ml



Microtox is a brand of Modern Water, the environment division of Deepverge. Microtox products have been for decades the gold standard for acute toxicity test of water, used on drinkable, fresh or waste water. The methos used is the bioluminescence of Aliivibrio Fischeri bacterium. Aliivibrio Fischeri.Oltre a strumenti (laboratorio, portatile e online), la gamma Microtox è il riferimento principale per i reagenti (batteri, attivatore, diluizione).Microtox è ora operante da sedi in USA, Australia, UK e Irlanda e distribuito in esclusiva per l’Italia da Nordtest.